Principles of the Procedure

This is performed to completely remove the kidney either for a large cancer or for an infected, non-functioning kidney. The dissection of the kidney and division of the blood supply is done via an incision along the upper aspect of the abdomen, just under the costal margin. The kidney with the tumour is then removed via this incision.

Pre-Operative Preparation

You will be admitted on the same day of the procedure. No specific preparation is needed apart from fasting about 6 hours prior to the surgery. You should continue to take your usual medications unless directed otherwise by your Urologist or his anaesthetist. Please inform us if you are taking any anticoagulant (blood thinning) medication.


Expected Post-operative recovery

Following the surgery, you will wake up with a catheter in your bladder and occasionally a drainage tube near the wound. These are generally removed on the 3rd to 4th day after the surgery when you are more mobile. You will have moderate tenderness from the wound from the surgery; this usually subsides greatly after the first 48 hours though you will have very good pain relief over that time. A normal diet is slowly reintroduced in the days following the surgery. You will be encouraged to mobilise out of bed as you recover,with the help of physiotherapists as this speeds up the recovery process. Most patients are able to go home by the th to the 7th day after the operation. Normal light activities are able to be resumed from there, just avoiding heavy lifting for about 6 weeks. It is normal to experience reduced levels of energy following major surgery which can sometimes last for a couple of months, though with subsequent return to normality.


Risks – as per your discussion with your Urologist



Injury to surrounding structures



Anaesthetic risks (MI, DVT/PE, Pneumonia, CVA)